The Power of Changing Perspectives
In the Disney-Pixar animation, “Ratatouille”, the film’s famous critic, aptly named “Ego”, walks into the film’s French restaurant “Gusteau’s”, and demands to be served “a little perspective” — “do you have a good wine to go with that?”. Confused, the waiter rushes back to the kitchen asking what to serve.
In life, we all crave new perspectives and experiences, yet oftentimes, feel stuck in the status quo or trapped in the never-ending chase for new pleasures or experiences. However, it is possible (and quite important) to enjoy the present experience in a refreshed way by gaining a new perspective.
People often adopt a “suit of armor” — a personality, archetype or sense of self that we’ve developed as our own at an early age. It might be difficult to “escape” this suit of armor as time progresses. However, recognizing one’s patterns of behaviors, and the potential reasons behind them, is the first step to change. In doing so, one can look at life with a different view and better understand how they became the person they are today, and change who they are tomorrow.